277 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Cassia Fistula Linn.

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    A number of herbal preparations are used throughout the world for the management of the hepatic disorders. However, many of them have not been investigated for their described effects. Cassia fistula Linn. is one such drug used in the treatment of hepatitis in folk medicine. Therefore, an attempt was made to investigate the hepatoprotective effect of leaves and bark of Cassia fistula against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Sixty albino Wistar rats were divided into six equal groups of 10. Four groups received extracts leaves/bark of Cassia fistula and intraperitoneal (i.p.) CCl4 (0.2 ml/100 g) either before or after administration of extracts. Two groups were controls, one treated with CCl4 and one with normal saline. Liver damage was assessed by plasma concentration of bilirubin and enzyme activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase. Treatment with aqueous extract of leaves and bark significantly reduced CCl4 -induced elevation in plasma enzyme and bilirubin concentration in rats. This study demonstrated that CCl4 -induced liver damage in rats can be ameliorated by treatment of extracts from leaves and bark

    Impacts of leaf extract of Catharanthus roseus (L.) on seed mycoflora of soybean

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    Present research communication deals with study impact of Catharanthus roseus (L.) leaf extract on seed borne fungi of soybean seeds.&nbsp

    Thoracic wall lipoblastoma: a rare case with rare presentation

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    Lipoblastoma is a rare benign tumor occuring in infancy and early childhood. It is usually located on the extremities but can be found anywhere on the body. Normally, it is well capsulated, but when it is multicentric in origin and diffused in nature it is known as lipoblastomatosis. We report a case of a 1-year-old boy who presented with a huge swelling on the back that, on postoperative histological examination, was diagnosed as lipoblastoma.Keywords: infancy, lipoblastoma, lipoblastomatosi

    Control of fungi associated with green gram seeds by using Trichoderma species

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    In the recent years, the biological control has received a worldwide attention and is being integrated effectively with other pesticides. Moreover, in the context of environmental pollution the use of biological agents is considered quite safe. Three Trichoderma species viz. T. viride, T. harzionum and Trichoderma sp. (Local) were evaluated against Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, Alternaria tenuis, Fusarium oxysporium, Penicillium citrinum, Drechslera longirostrata and Fusarium solani. All the Trichoderma species were effective against above pathogens but Trichoderma (Local) proved to be superior for inhibition of the above pathogen as compared to other Trichoderma species

    Mycoflora associated with Pigeon pea and Chickpea

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    Pigeonpea (Cajanu. cajan.) and Chick Pea (Cicer arietinum) are major pulse crops grown in India. The seed mycoflora was screened by using agar plate method. seeds of varieties of these pulse crops was used in the study and results were obtained from untreated and treated seeds. The untreated seeds were found to be associated with highest percent incidence of mycoflora. In case of untreated seeds the percent incidence of Aspergillus flavus (30%) was the highest followed by     A. niger (25%), Penicillium notatum (20 %), Cladosporium herbarum (18%), where as all other fungi were within the range of (3 to 15%)

    Evaluation of leaf extract of Lantana camara aginast seed mycoflora - biopesticides approach

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    The Seed treatment with pant extract of Lantana camara does not have any adverse effect on the germinated of seeds even after the treatment for 30 minutes. The seed were treated with aqneous extract, alcoholic extract, and ethyl acetate extract of Lantana camara leavers for 5 minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes. It is evident that the treatment of ethyl acetate extract for 30 minutes inhibited the growth of dominant fungi like curvularia lunata A.flavus, A.niger and fusarium moniliforme. So the ethylacetate extract of leaves of Lantana camara can be utilised for the biological control of seeds borne fungi of soybean. So the seed treatment of plant extract will not cause any problem of pollution and the chemical of plant extracts are easily degraded in the soil, So the plant extract of Lantana camara can be used as biopesticide.&nbsp

    �Synchronous Modulation In An Inverter Fed Motor Drive For Recovering Energy From Matching Long Cable ��

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    In this paper, we understood the significance of bit rate investigation of the approaching bundle. We additionally comprehended that if the bit rate is not dissected, then there is wastefulness in system execution. This examination study will demonstrate a decent base for further research in the territory of bit rate investigation of bundle landings. In this paper we had broke down the throughput, parcel delay, bundle conveyance proportion, jitter, vitality devoured and the examination as for no. of bundles sent is performed. Thusly we can accomplish the objective of enhancing bit rate bundle investigation coming about system proficiency. The most recent adaptation of system test system will be most useful in development of system and follow document in it is additionally helpful. In future, the framework could be created on the equipment and the execution assessment could be checked continuously. The deferral is an imperative parameter if there should arise an occurrence of ongoing activity. The postponement ought to be diminished or else it prompts unsafe circumstance on the off chance that hard continuous frameworks. Thus, it would be an awesome future work to build up the framework on the equipment and checking of execution assessment progressively

    Myeloid Wnt ligands are required for normal development of dermal lymphatic vasculature

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    Resident tissue myeloid cells play a role in many aspects of physiology including development of the vascular systems. In the blood vasculature, myeloid cells use VEGFC to promote angiogenesis and can use Wnt ligands to control vascular branching and to promote vascular regression. Here we show that myeloid cells also regulate development of the dermal lymphatic vasculature using Wnt ligands. Using myeloid-specific deletion of the WNT transporter Wntless we show that myeloid Wnt ligands are active at two distinct stages of development of the dermal lymphatics. As lymphatic progenitors are emigrating from the cardinal vein and intersomitic vessels, myeloid Wnt ligands regulate both their numbers and migration distance. Later in lymphatic development, myeloid Wnt ligands regulate proliferation of lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) and thus control lymphatic vessel caliber. Myeloid-specific deletion of WNT co-receptor Lrp5 or Wnt5a gain-of-function also produce elevated caliber in dermal lymphatic capillaries. These data thus suggest that myeloid cells produce Wnt ligands to regulate lymphatic development and use Wnt pathway co-receptors to regulate the balance of Wnt ligand activity during the macrophage-LEC interaction

    SARS‐CoV‐2 receptor ACE 2 and TMPRSS 2 are primarily expressed in bronchial transient secretory cells

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affecting the human respiratory system severely challenges public health and urgently demands for increasing our understanding of COVID-19 pathogenesis, especially host factors facilitating virus infection and replication. SARS-CoV-2 was reported to enter cells via binding to ACE2, followed by its priming by TMPRSS2. Here, we investigate ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression levels and their distribution across cell types in lung tissue (twelve donors, 39,778 cells) and in cells derived from subsegmental bronchial branches (four donors, 17,521 cells) by single nuclei and single cell RNA sequencing, respectively. While TMPRSS2 is strongly expressed in both tissues, in the subsegmental bronchial branches ACE2 is predominantly expressed in a transient secretory cell type. Interestingly, these transiently differentiating cells show an enrichment for pathways related to RHO GTPase function and viral processes suggesting increased vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Our data provide a rich resource for future investigations of COVID-19 infection and pathogenesis

    Clinical Significance of SERPINA1 Gene and Its Encoded Alpha1-antitrypsin Protein in NSCLC

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    High expression of SERPINA1 gene encoding acute phase protein, alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT), is associated with various tumors. We sought to examine the significance of SERPINA1 and AAT protein in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients and NSCLC cell lines. Tumor and adjacent non-tumor lung tissues and serum samples from 351 NSCLC patients were analyzed for SERPINA1 expression and AAT protein levels. We also studied the impact of SERPINA1 expression and AAT protein on H1975 and H661 cell behavior, in vitro. Lower SERPINA1 expression in tumor but higher in adjacent non-tumor lung tissues (n = 351, p = 0.016) as well as higher serum levels of AAT protein (n = 170, p = 0.033) were associated with worse survival rates. Specifically, in NSCLC stage III patients, higher blood AAT levels (>2.66 mg/mL) correlated with a poor survival (p = 0.002). Intriguingly, levels of serum AAT do not correlate with levels of C-reactive protein, neutrophils-to-leukocyte ratio, and do not correlate with SERPINA1 expression or AAT staining in the tumor tissue. Additional experiments in vitro revealed that external AAT and/or overexpressed SERPINA1 gene significantly improve cancer cell migration, colony formation and resistance to apoptosis. SERPINA1 gene and AAT protein play an active role in the pathogenesis of lung cancer and not just reflect inflammatory reaction related to cancer development.This study was supported in part by the German Centre for Lung Research, grant numbers 82DZL00402 and 82DZL002A1.S